All Episodes

Displaying episodes 1 - 30 of 194 in total

Revealed: The Hidden Name of the Father and Son – YAHUAH

In this riveting finale of "Operation Prepare 2," we confront one of the most profound revelations of all time: What is the Name of the Father and the Son? Guided by M...

Unlocking Luke Chapter 1: The Prophecy, The Truth, and YAHUAH’s Mission

Welcome to the second epic installment of the Operation Prepare 2 Telethon! This session dives deep into Luqas Chapter 1, revealing some of the most profound truths ev...

Kingdom Business Begins: The Truth Scriptures Bariyt Hadash is Ready to Transform the World!

In this first of three powerful telethon episodes, we’re coming together to spread YAHUAH’s truth like never before. Fresh off the observance of Yum Kapar (Day of Aton...

Unleashing the Power of the True 1 Corinthians Chapter 1

In this session of the Operation Prepare Telethon, we took a bold step into the truth of 1 Qaranatiym (Corinthians) Chapter 1, breaking through centuries of misconcept...

The Power of Romans 10: Revealing YAHUAH’s True Path to Salvation

In this electrifying first session of the "Operation Prepare" Telethon, we dive deep into the heart of "Rumaiym (Romans) Chapter 10" like never before! Scholar Jay Nol...

Unleashing YAHUAH’s Power: The Truth Scriptures Revolution

In this powerful episode, we dive into the most exciting phase of our mission – the Truth Scriptures Bariyt Hadash is on the verge of release, and it’s about to spread...

Unshakable Discipline: Living the Way of a True Disciple

In this powerful episode, we dive deep into what it truly means to live as a disciplined follower of YAHUAH. This much needed message challenges us to embrace strength...

33-Year Scriptural Mystery: Unveiling What Yahusha's Name Truly Means

In this electrifying episode, we witness the unraveling of a 33-year-old mystery hidden deep within the Scriptures. The truth about what Yahusha's Name really means, w...

The Truth Scriptures: A Revolution That Will Forever Change Scripture (Bible) Translations

Prepare yourself for a monumental shift in understanding the true Word of YAHUAH. In this electrifying episode, we dive into the groundbreaking Truth Scriptures—a tran...

Mastering YAHUAH's True Calendar: Breaking Free from Deception

Get ready to shatter centuries of deception and step into the true timeline of YAHUAH. In this explosive episode, we reveal how to follow the only authentic calendar—t...

Unveiling the Only Name for Salvation: YAHUAH

In this powerful episode, we dive deep into the most crucial truth that the world has been deceived about—the only Name of the Savior, YAHUAH. Join us as we unravel th...

YAHUAH My Savior: The Movement That Will Turn the World Upside Down

In this electrifying session, we dive deep into the unstoppable movement of YAHUAH's truth as the Truth Scriptures prepare to impact the world. Scholar Jay passionatel...

Unveiling the Ultimate Truth: YAHUAH, Our Only Savior.

In one of our most powerful online gatherings yet, hundreds of passionate believers came together to uncover the undeniable truth of YAHUAH’s Oneness. Starting with Da...

The True Word or Nothing: Escaping the Trap of False Translations

In this episode, we continue our deep dive into the critical importance of using the true, unaltered translations of the Scriptures. Building on our discussion from pa...

Breaking Free from False Translations: Discover True Salvation

In this eye-opening episode, we delve deep into the critical importance of accurate translations of the Scriptures and their impact on salvation. Join us as we uncover...

The Wait is Over: Truth Scriptures Bariyt Hadash to Hit the Press!

In this exhilarating episode, we bring you the monumental news that the Truth Scriptures Bariyt Hadash (New Testament) prototype has been fully approved for print! Sch...

Discover the Secrets to Abundance with YAHUAH

In this episode titled "Discover the Secrets to Abundance with YAHUAH," we dive into the transformative journey of living in alignment with YAHUAH's teachings to achie...

Unveiling the Most Accurate Scriptures: An In-Depth Exploration

In this episode titled "Unveiling the Most Accurate Scriptures," we dive deep into the transformative journey of the Truth Scriptures Bariyt Hadash (New Testament). Jo...

Embracing Shabat and Anticipating the Truth Scriptures Bariyt Hadash Release

In this uplifting episode, we gather online to honor and celebrate the weekly Shabat (Sabbath). Together, we embrace the set-apart rest and reflection that Shabat brin...


In this riveting episode, we unveil the most powerful and truthful "PREFACE" you've ever read from the upcoming Truth Scriptures Bariyt Hadash (New Testament)! For cen...

From Script to Spirit: Completing the Truth Scriptures and Charting Our Course

In this electrifying episode, we celebrate a monumental achievement: the complete translation and review of the Truth Scriptures Bariyt Hadash (New Testament)! After m...

Restoring YAHUAH's Word: The Arrival of the True Scriptures

For centuries, translators, governments, churches, and organized religions have kept the Truth of YAHUAH hidden. But now, the time for YAHUAH's restoration has come, a...

Unity in YAHUAH: Breaking Down 1 Qaranatiym 1:10

In our recent Online Shabat Gathering, we dove into the profound "Unity" that binds true believers of YAHUAH! Those who truly love YAHUAH are united in heart, mind, an...

Exciting Truth Scriptures Progress: Almost There!

In this electrifying episode, we dive deep into the exciting progress of the Truth Scriptures Bariyt Hadash (New Testament) release. Join us as Jay Noland takes us thr...

Exposing the Pagan Roots of Father’s Day: A Call to YAHUAH’s Truth

In this eye-opening episode, we uncover the truth behind Father's Day, exposing it as yet another deceptive practice rooted in pagan traditions. YAHUAH, the Creator of...

Discovering YAHUAH: The Eternal Source of Living Water

In this enlightening episode, we dive into the profound message of Yahuhanan (John) Chapter 4, verses 5-15, from the "Truth Scriptures," revealing the true essence of ...

Unveiling Yahusha's True Identity as YAHUAH: A Profound Revelation

In this eye-opening episode, we uncover one of the most profound secrets of Yahusha: His true identity as YAHUAH in the flesh. Dive into the compelling revelations fou...

Isaiah (Yishaiyahu) 58: Uncovering the Real Restoration

In our 3rd and final session of the "OPERATION LAUNCH" Telethon, we delivered an electrifying breakdown of Yishaiyahu (Isaiah) Chapter 58, unveiling the true "Repairer...

Abundance and Honor: The Real Word of YAHUAH

Join us for the second session of our "Operation Launch" telethon where we reveal the true message of Ya'aqab (James) Chapter 5 from the Truth Scriptures. For the firs...

Exposing the Lies: Bringing the Real Word of YAHUAH to the World

In this eye-opening episode, we revisit the first of three telethon broadcasts from our "Operation Launch" Telethon, which focused on "Bringing the Real Word of YAHUAH...