YAHUAH's Path to Victory: Trust, Obedience, and Strength

In the latest episode of our podcast titled "YAHUAH WILL GIVE YOU VICTORY IF…," we dive into the heart of YAHUAH’s promise of victory, exploring the deep connection between obedience to His ways and the assurance of triumph. This episode is a profound journey through the ancient wisdom of Dabariym (Deuteronomy) 20:1-18, where we uncover the blueprint of how YAHUAH prepared His warriors for victory.

In these scriptures, we see YAHUAH's clear directive: those who exhibit faith and strength are called to fight, while those who harbor fear and doubt are instructed to return home. This powerful message resonates deeply, revealing that true victory under YAHUAH comes to those who choose to stand firm in their faith and trust in His might.

We bring these ancient teachings into the modern world, highlighting how they apply to our daily lives and our collective mission. The episode emphasizes the importance of being spiritually strong and unwavering in our commitment to YAHUAH. It’s a call for us to rise as modern-day warriors of faith, ready to witness the power and glory of YAHUAH in our lives.

Furthermore, the podcast connects these teachings with the ongoing mission to bring the most accurate translation of YAHUAH's Word into English and subsequently into all languages around the world. This project is more than a translation; it's a revival of YAHUAH’s truth, a restoration of His original words and intent.

Listeners are invited to join this monumental effort and support the Truth Scriptures Project. By engaging with this initiative, you become part of a global movement to spread YAHUAH’s word, ensuring His teachings are accessible and undiluted for all.

Tune into this empowering episode and find inspiration to walk in YAHUAH’s ways, confident in the victory He promises. Be part of the journey that leads not only to personal triumph but also to the global dissemination of YAHUAH's true and unaltered message.

If you feel inspired to see real SCRIPTURES come to life faster, you can contribute directly to the Truth Scriptures Briyt Hadash (New Testament) Expedited Campaign at: TSNT.org

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Love and Appreciation,
Promote The Truth
YAHUAH's Path to Victory: Trust, Obedience, and Strength