Wisdom from Above: Learning Discipline Before Leadership

In this powerful second session of the Operation Truth! Telethon, we break down the REAL Ya'aqab (James) Chapter 3 from the Truth Scriptures, exposing one of the most overlooked warnings in all of Scripture.

“Not many of you should become teachers…” – This is a heavy statement with serious consequences for those who rush to teach without a solid foundation. Too many who find the truth of YAHUAH get excited and jump into teaching before they’re spiritually mature, leaving themselves wide open for Satan’s deception.

We leaned in HARD on this critical lesson, showing:

✅ Why maturity is required before teaching.
✅ How Satan targets the immature and pulls them away.
✅ The power of the tongue – How it can build or destroy.
✅ What true wisdom looks like and how to walk in it.
✅ How to stay grounded in the ways of YAHUAH for the long term.

This deep session will shake you up, but it will also strengthen you! If you’re serious about following YAHUAH the right way, you need this message.

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#TruthScriptures #James3 #WatchYourTongue #MaturityMatters #YAHUAH #WisdomFromAbove #OperationTruth
Wisdom from Above: Learning Discipline Before Leadership