Why Your New Testament Misleads: A Call for Scriptural Reformation

Welcome to another transformative episode of Truth! Dive deep as we unravel the perilous implications of adhering to misinterpreted Scriptures and expose the life-threatening traditions established by the New Testament (Bariyt Hadash) translations influenced by Greek texts.

In this episode, our focus shifts dramatically towards the vital necessity of re-evaluating the Scriptures that have long dictated theological "doctrines" under a Greek influence, proving not only inadequate but fatally misleading. As we sift through the historical inaccuracies and theological errors, we unveil how these Scriptures from the Greek Translated "New Testament" contradict themselves and the Tanak (Old Testament) and lead many astray.

Join us as we dissect key passages and demonstrate the dire consequences of these inaccuracies, emphasizing the need for a return to the original Hebrew and Aramaic context which offers uncorrupted wisdom and guidance. This discussion is not just theological critique but a call to spiritual awakening to rescue believers from the brink of profound error.

Expect a compelling hour of hard truths with potential life-changing revelations. This episode is essential for anyone seeking clarity and truth in their Scriptural foundations and aims to realign with the authentic teachings of YAHUAH.

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Why Your New Testament Misleads: A Call for Scriptural Reformation