Unveiling Demonic Deceptions - False Greek Translations of the New Testament

In this explosive episode, we tackle the pervasive issue of demonic Greek translations that have misled billions for centuries. With a deep dive into Yishayahu (Isaiah) 1:10-20, we uncover the stark warnings against disobedience, mirrored in the ancient tales of Sadam (Sodom) and Amarah (Gomorrah). Moreover, Hazun (Revelation) 21:8 serves as a sobering reminder that fearfulness in upholding truth places one at the brink of eternal damnation.

Our journey continues with a critical examination of the misconception that Shaul (Paul), a devoted Parashiy (Pharisee) and a staunch defender of Abariy (Hebrew) heritage, catered his messages to a Greek-speaking audience. Contrary to popular belief, Shaul's epistles were primarily directed at Yahudiym (Jews) and Guiym (Gentiles) within Abariy-speaking assemblies, striving to spread the Bashurah (Good News) to "the Yahudiy (Hebrew) first and then to the Guiy (Gentile)."

This episode is not just an academic discussion. It is a call to action. We advocate for a return to the original Abariy (Hebrew) and Aramiyt (Aramaic) texts of the Scriptures, embracing the authentic teachings of a Yahudiy (Hebrew) Mashiyha (Messiah) and renouncing the Hellenized (Greek) corrupted interpretations that have infiltrated our faith.

Join us as we embark on a mission to reclaim the purity of the Scriptures, shedding light on the true path laid out by YAHUAH through His chosen people. This revelation is not just about correcting historical inaccuracies. This is about securing our spiritual integrity and ensuring our place in the Kingdom of YAHUAH.

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Unveiling Demonic Deceptions - False Greek Translations of the New Testament