🙏🏼 Unlocking the True Pasaha (Passover) of YAHUAH! 🙏🏼

Join us for a captivating episode as we dive into the significance of the Pasaha (Passover) according to the Eternal Law of YAHUAH. In this insightful discussion, we explore the timeless Commandment outlined in Shamut (Exodus) 12:14, affirming its enduring importance in our spiritual journey.

Utilizing the set-apart texts of Shamut (Exodus) 12:1-14 from the "Truth Scriptures," we unravel the precise timing ordained by YAHUAH for observing this pivotal feast. Through careful examination and spiritual revelation, we reveal the True Calendar of YAHUAH, shedding light on His eternal plan for His people.

Experience the enthusiasm and curiosity shared by our worldwide community as we provide guidance on observing the Pasaha (Passover) in accordance with the eternal truths of YAHUAH's Word. Many had questions about exactly what to do, and we provided clarity and understanding.

Whether you're a seasoned believer or embarking on this eternal journey for the first time, this episode promises to inform, inspire, and deepen your connection to the Pasaha (Passover) as a foundational aspect of our faith.

Tune in now to uncover the beauty, significance, and eternal timing of the true Pasaha (Passover) of YAHUAH. Let's embrace this timeless celebration and journey together into the heart of YAHUAH's Eternal Covenant.

Join us on this transformative exploration of faith, tradition, and practical application. Don't miss out on this opportunity to align with YAHUAH's will and gain clarity on how to observe the Pasaha (Passover) in your own life.

Listen now and embark on a journey of spiritual growth and celebration unlike any other. The true Pasaha (Passover) of YAHUAH awaits!

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Promote The Truth

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🙏🏼 Unlocking the True Pasaha (Passover) of YAHUAH! 🙏🏼