Truth Scriptures Telethon Session 3: Triumphs of Faith and Achieving Our Goal (PODCAST)

Support the Real Briyt Hadash (New Testament) Campaign by contributing today at:

We Love and Appreciate Everyone Who Has a Heart for the Kingdom of YAHUAH in seeing His True Word in the World!

🌟 Session 3: A Celebratory Convergence of Faith and Achievement: In the third and final session of our December 22 Telethon, we witnessed an extraordinary tapestry of faith, miracles, and commitment, culminating in the achievement of our phase goal for the 7-Week Real Briyt Hadash (New Testament) Campaign.

🙌 Inspiring Testimonies of Faith: A major highlight was the moving testimony of a Platinum Package Member who shared a personal account of YAHUAH's miraculous intervention in saving her son's life. This powerful story underscored the real-life impact of faith and the transformative power of YAHUAH's presence in our lives.

💞 A Unique Journey of Discovery and Commitment: We were also graced by the presence of an elder couple, each embracing the Platinum Package Membership. Notably, one of them, a former Nun, shared her journey of discovering YAHUAH as the ultimate truth, illustrating a profound spiritual transition and devotion.

🎉 A Milestone Achieved - Our Campaign Goal Reached: The session was a landmark moment for our community, as we successfully reached our fundraising goal for this phase of the campaign. This achievement is a testament to the collective effort, dedication, and generosity of our supporters and the Promote The Truth community.

🔥 A United Effort for a Noble Cause: The success of this session and the overall campaign is a clear indication of the passion and unity within our community. Our shared commitment to bringing forth the most accurate English translation of the Scriptures has never been more evident.

📚 Join Us in Celebrating this Milestone: As you listen to this podcast, join us in celebrating this momentous achievement. The journey towards translating the Truth Scriptures is a collective effort, and every contribution, story, and act of faith brings us closer to our goal.

If through this session YAHUAH has touched your heart to make an Eternal Impact, please consider contributing at:

With immense gratitude and renewed determination,
The Promote The Truth Team

#PromoteTheTruth #TelethonSuccess #BriytHadashCampaign #MiraclesOfFaith

Truth Scriptures Telethon Session 3: Triumphs of Faith and Achieving Our Goal (PODCAST)