Truth Scriptures Telethon Session 2: Unveiling Truths and Inspiring Stories (PODCAST)

Support the Real Briyt Hadash (New Testament) Campaign by contributing today at:

We Love and Appreciate Everyone Who Has a Heart for the Kingdom of YAHUAH in seeing His True Word in the World!

🌟 Spotlighting Insights in Session 2 of Our Telethon: Welcome to the 2nd Session of our pivotal Telethon, part of the 7-Week Real Briyt Hadash (New Testament) Campaign. This session continued the momentum from our first, bringing more enlightening discussions and powerful testimonies from across the globe.

🎙️ Diverse Voices, United Passion: In this session, we were honored to host a variety of influential guests, each sharing their unique connection to our mission. Highlights included a renowned Education Specialist discussing homeschooling children in the ways of YAHUAH, and a leading businessman and top supporter of the Truth Scriptures Project from Budapest, Hungary. Their stories underscored the global impact and urgent need for the Truth Scriptures Translation.

📚 Exposing Historical Deceptions: A key segment of this session featured an online slideshow revealing admissions by top Greek Historians, acknowledging the original Briyt Hadash (New Testament) was initially written in Hebrew and Aramaic and NOT Greek. This eye-opening presentation left our viewers both shocked and motivated, realizing the depth of deception that has clouded the true translation of the Scriptures.

🔥 A Drive to Unveil the Truth: The revelations and discussions in this session have galvanized our audience like never before. The urgency to provide the world with a true, trustworthy translation of the Scriptures has never been clearer.

💡 Join Our Mission for Authentic Scriptures: As you listen to this podcast, be part of an extraordinary journey to bring forth the real words of YAHUAH. This session is not just about fundraising; it's about awakening to the truth and taking a stand for scriptural integrity.

We thank our incredible guests and supporters for their passion and commitment to the Truth Scriptures Project. Their contributions are pivotal in advancing our mission to enlighten the world with the genuine teachings of YAHUAH.

If you feel the call of YAHUAH on your heart, please contribute now at:

With heartfelt appreciation,
The Promote The Truth Team

#PromoteTheTruth #BriytHadashCampaign #TelethonSession2 #ScripturalTruthUnveiled
Truth Scriptures Telethon Session 2: Unveiling Truths and Inspiring Stories (PODCAST)