🔥 Triumph: Genesis 18 & 19 Through the Truth Scriptures' Insight 🔥

The 3rd and final Session of our "Operation Spread 2" Telethon reached a powerful crescendo as Scholar Jay Noland expertly navigated the newly released chapters of Barashiyt (Genesis) 18 & 19 from the "Truth Scriptures." This deep dive into the narratives of Abarahm (Abraham) and Lut (Lot) offered an unprecedented look into the nature of YAHUAH's relationship with those who walk in obedience to Him.

The clarity and depth provided by the "Truth Scriptures'" translation brought the Promote The Truth Community closer together, fostering an unparalleled sense of unity and purpose. As Scholar Jay Noland unfolded the layers of these stories, the community's understanding of YAHUAH's character and His expectations for us deepened, strengthening our collective resolve to live in accordance with His will.

This session wasn't just an educational experience. This session was a spiritual gathering that reminded us all of the profound respect YAHUAH has for His faithful servants. The commitment of our community was evident as nearly everyone engaged in this enlightening discourse, sharing their excitement and appreciation for the opportunity to understand YAHUAH's word in its most authentic form.

As we wrapped up this session, the spirit of unity and dedication to YAHUAH's teachings was palpable. This Telethon has not only been a journey through the Scriptures but a communal experience that has drawn us all closer to YAHUAH and to each other.

Let this session serve as a light for all who seek to truly understand YAHUAH's Word and to live a life that honors His Commandments. Join us in this ongoing mission to bring the TRUTH of the Scriptures to the world, as we continue to support the Truth Scriptures Project at TSNT.org.

If you feel inspired, you can contribute directly to the Truth Scriptures Briyt Hadash (New Testament) Expedited Campaign at: TSNT.org ( https://donorbox.org/truth-scriptures-new-testament-translation-support-os2 )

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Blessings and Love,
Promote The Truth

#TruthScriptures #Barashiyt #Genesis18and19 #UnityInYAHUAH #PromoteTheTruth #OperationSpread2
🔥 Triumph: Genesis 18 & 19 Through the Truth Scriptures' Insight 🔥