The Unveiling of Truth in Ramaiym (Romans) Chapter 7 - Corruption Exposed!

In an unprecedented online gathering that will forever change the way we view the Scriptures, Scholar Jay Noland led the Promote The Truth Community through a groundbreaking examination of Ramaiym (Romans) Chapter 7. Revealing what he considers, as of now, the most corrupt chapter in all the Scriptures. This session was not just an analysis but a revelation that brought to light the stark manipulations embedded within all traditional translations.

Armed with the newly translated "Truth Scriptures" from the original Peshitta, written accurately in Aramaic and not Greek, Scholar Jay Noland invited the community to engage in a live, line-by-line comparison against any translation they had at hand. As the gathering unfolded on Zoom and YouTube Live, the deception became undeniably clear to the hundreds watching live and on the replay. The chat boxes and comment section were ablaze with reactions as viewers placed their trusted translations alongside the "Truth Scriptures," witnessing firsthand the distortions that have veiled the true message of Ramaiym (Romans) Chapter 7 for centuries.

The difference was stark, revealing not just discrepancies but a deliberate obscuration of YAHUAH's Word. As Scholar Jay Noland navigated us through the authentic translation, the community was left aghast at the realization of how deeply and intentionally billions of people have been misled. This was more than a session. This literally was an awakening to the true essence of YAHUAH's teachings, stripped of the pagan influences and misinterpretations that have marred its purity.

This episode is an urgent call to all truth-seekers to discover the profound clarity and unaltered message of the Scriptures as YAHUAH intended through the "Truth Scriptures" ( Join us in this vital exploration, as we dive into the real words of Ramaiym (Romans) Chapter 7, uncovering the truth that has been hidden in plain sight.

The feedback from the Promote The Truth Community was overwhelming, with many expressing their shock, gratitude, and renewed commitment to walking in the true light of YAHUAH's Word. This episode is more than a discussion. This episode was a declaration that the time for accepting distorted truths is over. We are stepping into an era of enlightenment, armed with the real Scriptures, the "Truth Scriptures," ready to reclaim the integrity of our faith and our relationship with YAHUAH.

Dive into this riveting episode and be part of the movement towards genuine scriptural understanding and set-apart living. The truth awaits, ready to transform hearts and minds.

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Blessings and Love,
Promote The Truth

#TruthUnveiled #ScriptureReclaimed #RamaiymRevealed #PromoteTheTruth #SetApartPath
The Unveiling of Truth in Ramaiym (Romans) Chapter 7 - Corruption Exposed!