The Sabbath Unveiled: Rediscovering the Real Sabbath with the Truth Scriptures

In our landmark Online Shabat Livestream, "WHY THE SABBATH IS SO IMPORTANT! (SHABAT SHALUM!)", we welcomed our largest audience yet, uniting in a profound exploration of the Shabat (Sabbath)'s significance directly from the "Truth Scriptures." This session dove into Shamut (Exodus) 31:12-18, where YAHUAH declares the Shabat (Sabbath) as an eternal sign of the covenant between Him and His people, emphasizing the critical call to guard the Shabat with unwavering commitment.

Our journey through the Scriptures showed the foundational aspects of observing the Shabat, drawing upon Barashiyt (Genesis) 1:1-19 to understand the eternal ordinance of timekeeping through the celestial bodies—the sun and moon. This session laid bare the Scriptural calendar as instructed in Shamut (Exodus) 12:1-2, revealing the new moon's role in marking the beginning of each month, thus providing clarity on how to align with YAHUAH's designated times. This provides the real way to keep the calendar.

The response from our viewers was nothing short of passionate, reflecting a deep communal desire to reconnect with the set-apartness of the Shabat and to live in harmony with YAHUAH's Commandments. This Livestream served as a powerful reminder of the Shabat's centrality in our spiritual lives, urging us to re-examine our practices and align more closely with the will of YAHUAH.

We invite you to join this vibrant community of believers as we dissect the "Truth Scriptures," offering a ton of wisdom, fellowship, and set-apart guidance. This session is an essential resource for anyone seeking to deepen their understanding of the Shabat, to challenge longstanding misconceptions, and to embrace the beauty of YAHUAH's ordained rest day.

Through shared insights, discussion, and reflection, "WHY THE SABBATH IS SO IMPORTANT! (SHABAT SHALUM!)" stands as a beacon of light for those navigating the path of faithfulness and devotion to YAHUAH's eternal laws. Experience the power of truth, community, and spiritual renewal as we dove into the heart of what it means to truly guard the Shabat (Sabbath).

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Promote The Truth

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The Sabbath Unveiled: Rediscovering the Real Sabbath with the Truth Scriptures