The Power of YAHUAH's Witness in Today's World (PODCAST)

In this stirring episode of our podcast, Scholar Jay Noland delves deep into what truly defines the priority of receiving the gift of Eternal Life from YAHUAH. The central theme revolves around the essential role of being a witness for YAHUAH in the world. Scholar Noland illuminates this concept through an insightful discussion, emphasizing the profound impact of living a life that bears witness to YAHUAH’s truth and grace.

A highlight of the episode is the sharing of a poignant "Letter of Resignation" by Elmer Hingco, a former Christian leader from the Philippines. This letter, marked by deep introspection and a quest for truth, resonates with the episode's theme, revealing a personal journey from tradition to a deeper understanding of scripture and faith. Hingco's letter challenges listeners to reconsider the names and concepts they have been taught, urging a return to scriptural authenticity and the true name of the Creator, YAHUAH.

Scholar Noland explores the implications of this transformational journey on our role as witnesses for YAHUAH. How do we measure up in being His witness, especially now that Yahusha ha Mashiyha has ascended as YAHUAH Mashiyha (Messiah/Savior)? This episode invites listeners to reflect on their own faith, challenging them to embody the truth of YAHUAH in every aspect of their lives.

Join us on this powerful exploration of faith, truth, and our calling to be genuine witnesses for YAHUAH in a world searching for authentic spiritual guidance.

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Promote The Truth

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The Power of YAHUAH's Witness in Today's World (PODCAST)