The Jesus Deception: Rediscovering the Authentic Name

In an unprecedented session that will forever alter the landscape of Scriptural understanding, Scholar Jay Noland led a revelatory discussion that shined a piercing light on the true origins of the name "Jesus." With meticulous precision, Scholar Jay presented certified copies of pivotal early translations, including the 1557 William Whittingham New Testament, the 1560 Geneva Bible, the 1611 Authorized Version, and ancient original Greek manuscripts such as the Codex Sinaiticus, Codex Alexandrius, and Codex Vaticanus. Through this exhaustive examination, a groundbreaking truth was uncovered: the name "Jesus" did not appear in any document before 1628!

This episode wasn't just an academic exercise. This was in fact a transformative revelation that captivated viewers worldwide. The "Live Chat" buzzed with an overwhelming outpour of positive reactions, testimonies of newfound understanding, and declarations of commitment to YAHUAH. The impact of this session went beyond mere intellectual curiosity—it opened the eyes of many to a truth long obscured by time and tradition.

Scholar Jay's compelling presentation, coupled with the rich tapestry of historical evidence, laid bare the alterations and adaptations that led to the widespread use of the blatant pagan name "Jesus." This exploration was not just about uncovering a historical oversight. This was about restoring the trueness and authenticity of the Name we use to call upon our Creator.

Listeners from every corner of the world shared in a collective moment of awakening. Many, for the first time, recognized the power that comes from calling upon the true name of YAHUAH. The session's impact resonated deeply, prompting individuals to reevaluate their spiritual paths and, for some, to dedicate their lives anew to YAHUAH.

Tune into this eye-opening episode to experience the momentous journey through history, scholarship, and faith that challenged conventions and brought to light the authentic name that connects us more deeply to our faith and to our Creator.

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#TrueNameRevealed #ScholarJayExposes #FaithAwakening #YAHUAHsName #HistoricalTruths
The Jesus Deception: Rediscovering the Authentic Name