The Final Judgment: Are You Ready for YAHUAH's Verdict?

Embark on a transformative journey through the newly released Hazun (Revelation) Chapter 19 from the "Truth Scriptures," where the veil of corruption and deception is lifted to reveal the unadulterated message of salvation, esteem, and the power of YAHUAH. This pivotal episode dives deep into the heart of what it truly means to stand with YAHUAH in the face of the world's greatest harlot, which is a particular country. Also, as we close in on the end of time false prophets are arising, and there will ultimately be a battle between the Rider on the white horse, YAHUAH Mashiyha, and the forces of evil.

Through a gripping exploration of Hazun (Revelation) Chapter 19, Scholar Jay Noland unveils the stark contrasts between the manipulated translations that have misled billions and the clarity, truth, and power found in the "Truth Scriptures." This chapter not only reaffirms the righteousness of YAHUAH’s judgments but also calls us to rejoice in the forthcoming wedding of the Lamb and the readiness of His bride, adorned in pure, shining linen representing the righteous acts of the set-apart people of YAHUAH.

As the episode unfolds, the dramatic imagery of the beast’s defeat, the false prophet's downfall into the lake of fire, and the feast prepared for the birds of the sky, serves as a chilling reminder of the fate awaiting those who choose the path of disobedience and idolatry. Yet, amidst the sobering revelations, the promise of salvation for those invited to the Lamb's feast (YAHUAH Mashiyha) shines as a beacon of hope.

Listeners are invited to witness the real-time translation of Hazun (Revelation) from the original Abariy (Hebrew) texts, offers unprecedented clarity and authenticity that challenges everything previously understood about the end times. The episode ignites a passionate conversation about the critical importance of adhering to the true teachings of YAHUAH, as preserved in the "Truth Scriptures," and the eternal significance of choosing salvation over condemnation.

This episode is a powerful call to all seeking truth and salvation: Will you be ready for the coming of the YAHUAH Mashiyha, the Lamb? Will you stand in the light of truth, clad in the righteous acts set forth by YAHUAH, and be saved? Join us as we navigate these existential questions, guided by the unerring truth of the "Truth Scriptures."

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The Final Judgment: Are You Ready for YAHUAH's Verdict?