THE CHRISTMAS LIE - Unveiling the Truth About Christmas

In this hard-hitting episode, we tackle one of the most widely accepted yet fundamentally flawed practices in contemporary religion: The Celebration of Christmas. Our stance is unequivocal - Christmas represents a falsehood, and those who practice or propagate falsehoods cannot inherit Eternal Life.

📖 Scriptural Foundation: We support our bold proclamation with an extensive exploration of Scriptures that condemn lies and falsehood. Nearly everyone who practices Christmas knows that "Santa Claus" is not real (lie). They know there are no "Reindeer" that fly in the air. They know that the Savior was not born on December 25th. Yet, most continue to perpetuate the LIE OF CHRISTMAS. So, our discussion includes critical analysis of verses from Hazun (Revelation) 3:8-9, Hazun (Revelation) 21:1-8, Uiyqra (Leviticus) 19:11, Tahliym (Psalms) 119:163, Mashliy (Proverbs) 12:22, Mashliy (Proverbs) 13:5, Mashliy (Proverbs) 14:5, Tsapanyahu (Zephaniah) 3:13, Yahuhanan (John) 8:44, Ma'ashiym (Acts) 5:3, 1 Timutiy (1 Timothy) 4:2, and Hazun (Revelation) 22:15 that clearly shows that if you participate willingly in lies, you will not inherit Eternal Life.

🚫 The Deception of Christmas: We delve into the origins and practices of Christmas, showing how this widely celebrated holiday deviates from Scriptural truths. Through meticulous research and scriptural backing, we demonstrate that Christmas is not just a harmless tradition but a perpetuation of a LIE.

⚠️ A Call to Truth and Integrity: This episode is a call to our listeners to reevaluate their practices and beliefs in light of the Scriptural truth. We emphasize the importance of aligning one's beliefs and practices with the true teachings of the Scriptures, steering clear of traditions that are rooted in falsehood.

💡 Seeking Authentic Faith: Join us as we uncover the truth behind the Christmas narrative, urging believers to seek a faith that is grounded in Truth and Integrity, as prescribed by the Scriptures. This episode is not just an exposition of a misconception but a guiding light towards genuine Scriptural adherence.

Tune in to this enlightening episode of "THE CHRISTMAS LIE" and embark on a journey of discovering the true essence of faith, far removed from the falsehoods of man-made traditions.

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Blessings and Love,
Promote The Truth

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THE CHRISTMAS LIE - Unveiling the Truth About Christmas