Shattering Myths: Discovering the Real Romans Chapter 1!

In this groundbreaking episode, we dive deep into the heart of "THE REAL ROMANS CHAPTER 1," shedding light on the widespread inaccuracies found in nearly all English translations of the Scriptures. Our journey through the newly released "Truth Scriptures" version of Ramaiym (Romans) Chapter 1 has sparked an electrifying response from our audience, unraveling the truths that have long been obscured by false translations and pagan influences.

This detailed exploration reveals YAHUAH's unwavering stance against those who choose to overlook His presence, emphasizing that nature itself bears witness to His existence, leaving humanity without excuse for ignorance. As we dissected the chapter, it became abundantly clear: any form of immorality stands in direct opposition to YAHUAH's teachings, and Ramaiym (Romans) Chapter 1 serves as a powerful testament to this truth.

Furthermore, this episode rectified misconceptions surrounding Brother Shaul (Paul), vindicating him from accusations of being a "false prophet." Through our in-depth analysis, we uncover the undeniable evidence of Shaul's (Paul) dedication and loyalty as a true Emissary (Apostle) of YAHUAH Mashiyha. Kapa (Peter) clearly explained that those who are unlearned in the Scriptures will twist Shaul's (Paul) words to their own destruction. This session not only educates but empowers our community, challenging us to dismantle the foundations of paganism and mistranslations that have infiltrated our understanding and to rebuild our knowledge on the solid rock of truth.

Join us as we tear down the veils of deception and light the path to genuine set-apartness. "THE REAL ROMANS CHAPTER 1" is more than an episode. This is a major call to those seeking the unadulterated truth about YAHUAH and His expectations for us, as revealed through the authentic teachings of His faithful servant, Shaul (Paul).

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Shattering Myths: Discovering the Real Romans Chapter 1!