Real Calendar based on the Real New Moon

Real Calendar based on the Real New Moon

YAHUAH, the Creator, through His Word, wants us to keep the calendar based upon His Creation. His Calendar is non-continual, as this helps keep our attention on Him. Therefore, His creation mechanisms for time, the Moon and Sun, are so vitally important for keeping proper track of the calendar. In fact, the Moon and Sun are the only true mechanism for the True Calendar of the Creator. This is beautiful, because every month (New Moon) causes us to stop and acknowledge YAHUAH as Creator. Each New Moon (new month) also allows us to reflect on the accomplishments of the prior month and give thanks to YAHUAH for keeping us in Him.

Specifics: The Calendar of the Creator utilizes months that total either 29 or 30 days. Determining the last day of the month (29th or 30th) is simple. Whenever the moon is the darkest for the entire world (lunar conjunction), that is the LAST DAY of the MONTH. In months where the last day of the month is the 29th day, the New Moon Day falls on the day (dawn) after the 29th day. In the months where the last day of the month is the 30th day, the New Moon Day falls on the day (dawn) after the 30th day. Once you have New Moon Day, then you will have four complete weeks of seven days that follow (six workdays, then the Sabbath). The Sabbath always falls on the 8th, 15th, 22nd, and 29th of the Lunar-Solar months.

Keep in mind that these Sabbath dates (8th, 15th, 22nd, and 29th) can fall on different days/dates on the Roman Gregorian Calendar, because the Gregorian Calendar is always continuous without any ties to the Moon or Sun (against the Word of YAHUAH). For example, if the Lunar-Solar New Moon falls on a “wed” on the Gregorian Calendar, the next four Sabbaths will always fall on a “wed” as well. After the last Sabbath, you will look for the New Moon to reset the upcoming new month. Thus, New Moon Day will happen the following day after the 4th Sabbath of the month if there are 29 days in that month, or New Moon Day will happen two days after the 4th Sabbath of the month if there are 30 days in that month. Simple.

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Real Calendar based on the Real New Moon