Embodying the Call: How to Be YAHUAH's Witness

Join us in our latest podcast episode, "Embodying the Call: How to Be YAHUAH's Witness," where we explore the profound responsibility and privilege of witnessing for YAHUAH. In a world craving truth and authenticity, learn how to share the message of YAHUAH in ways that resonate deeply and effect meaningful change.

πŸ”₯ Witnessing with Purpose and Power πŸ”₯
This episode dives into the heart of what it means to be a true witness for YAHUAH, emphasizing that proclaiming His Name goes beyond mere wordsβ€”it's about embodying His teachings in our daily lives. We discuss the importance of keeping YAHUAH's Name in our innermost thoughts and sharing His truth with love, wisdom, and conviction.

πŸ“– Revealing Truth Through "Tiytus" πŸ“–
Highlighting the recent release of Tiytus from the "Truth Scriptures," translated directly from the Aramiyt (Aramaic) rather than the commonly used Greek texts, we unveil the stark differences that a true translation holds. This episode offers listeners an exclusive insight into how Tiytus equips us to be effective witnesses for YAHUAH, guiding us not only in what to do but also in what to avoid to maintain the sanctity of our testimony.

πŸ’‘ Practical Steps to Effective Witnessing πŸ’‘
Learn actionable strategies for becoming a powerful witness for YAHUAH, from integrating His teachings into every aspect of your life to engaging in conversations that inspire and uplift. Discover the transformative impact of living in alignment with YAHUAH's will and how it naturally leads to becoming a beacon of His light and truth in the world.

This episode is a must-listen for anyone passionate about fulfilling their divine calling to witness for YAHUAH. By understanding the essence of true witness, as revealed through the authentic translations of the Scriptures, listeners will be empowered to spread YAHUAH's word with renewed purpose and effectiveness.

Tune in to "Embodying the Call: How to Be YAHUAH's Witness" and step into your role as a bearer of YAHUAH's truth, making a lasting difference in the lives of those around you.

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πŸ‘‰ Listen, be inspired, and join us on this incredible journey. Your action today can change the spiritual narrative for generations to come

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Embodying the Call: How to Be YAHUAH's Witness