🌟 Discover the Depth of YAHUAH's Love: 2 Qaranatiym (2 Corinthians) Chapter 4 Unveiled 🌟

In an unparalleled Session of the "Operation Spread 2" Telethon, we concluded our first gathering with groundbreaking revelations and an emotional journey through the Scriptures. Marking a momentous occasion, we announced the gracious extension of the Real New Testament (Bariyt Hadash) Campaign to 4/15/2024, offering a final opportunity for our community to rise to the highest levels of support at TSNT.org.

Diving deep into the newly translated 2 Qaranatiym (2 Corinthians) Chapter 4 from the "Truth Scriptures," Scholar Jay Noland's heartfelt reading stirred a profound emotional response among the Promote The Truth Community. This chapter shined a light YAHUAH's boundless love and compassion, reassuring us of His presence through every trial and tribulation. It was an unforgettable moment of spiritual awakening and connection. Many people were actually brought to tears.

The Telethon also shed light on the pervasive distortions across countless "Bibles" stemming from Greek Translations fraught with over 400,000 Errors. We firmly established that these flawed versions cannot compare to the original texts written in Hebrew and Aramaic, the foundation of what we assert to be the most accurate translation to date: The Truth Scriptures.

The overwhelming support received during the first session of our telethon at TSNT.org was truly heartening. As we move forward, we encourage every viewer, listener, and reader to become an integral part of this vital movement. Embrace the call to restore the authentic Word by contributing in any way YAHUAH moves you.

Join us in this historic mission to reclaim the Truth and purity of YAHUAH's Word. Your support can help illuminate the path for countless souls searching for genuine spiritual guidance and connection.

🔗 Be a beacon of truth and contribute today: TSNT.org

If you feel inspired, you can contribute directly to the Truth Scriptures Briyt Hadash (New Testament) Expedited Campaign at: TSNT.org ( https://donorbox.org/truth-scriptures-new-testament-translation-support-os2 )

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Blessings and Love,
Promote The Truth

#OperationSpread2 #PromoteTheTruth #RealScriptures #BariytHadash #SpiritualAwakening
🌟 Discover the Depth of YAHUAH's Love: 2 Qaranatiym (2 Corinthians) Chapter 4 Unveiled 🌟