Breaking Boundaries: The 'Tear It Down' Awakening

In the inaugural session of our "Tear It Down" Telethon, we ignited a blaze of revelation and insight, challenging long-held perceptions with a fervor that left our audience astounded. Our journey through Matityahu (Matthew) 22:14, under the discerning lens of the "TRUTH SCRIPTURES" translation, unveiled discrepancies that have lingered unnoticed in mainstream translations of the "Bible," casting a new light on a verse many thought they knew. Once confronted to look at the verse, an overwhelming amount of viewers commented that they could not believe they have followed that wrong translation for so many years without questioning it at all.

This episode is a testament to the power of authentic translation and the impact of shedding light on obscured truths. We dove deep into the roots of common translations, revealing the pervasive influence of pagan Greek Translations that have skewed our understanding for far too long. The reaction was unanimous – our community was not just impressed... they were transformed. Their passion for the "Truth Scriptures Project" reached new heights as the veil of misconception was lifted.

Beyond the revelations of translation, we ventured into the equally crucial territory of Witnessing for YAHUAH with a balanced heart. We explored the importance of removing "emotion" from our witness – understanding that not everyone will accept the truth readily and that persecution, though possibly painful, is not personal. This session offered tools and perspectives to navigate these challenges, reinforcing the foundation of our faith and commitment to spreading the truth with resilience and understanding.

Join us in this groundbreaking episode as we recount the powerful moments of the "Tear It Down" Telethon’s first session. It’s more than a recap. This is a rallying cry for all who seek truth and yearn to free themselves from the shackles of misinterpretation and pagan influences. Be part of a growing community that dares to question, seeks to understand, and is brave enough to embrace the authentic teachings of YAHUAH, as we journey together towards set-apartness and truth.

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Blessings and Love,
Promote The Truth

#UnveilingTruth #TearItDownTelethon #TruthScripturesRevealed #WitnessWithWisdom #PaganFreeFaith
Breaking Boundaries: The 'Tear It Down' Awakening